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Summer Entrepreneurship
Program Description:

Venture For Design Thinking

REACH worked in partnership with Columbia Business School, The Venture for Design ThinkingTM program to provide participants with an intensive, “hands-on” course focusing on the contemporary design thinking concepts and tools applied to generating innovative solutions to important social problems. During the program, participants identify and define a major problem to be solved, work with real customers to better understand the problem from their perspective, generate multiple solutions, then choose a solution and test with real customers. Participants create an action plan based on customer feedback transition the solution towards real application.

 July 27th- July 31st, 2020

Summer Entrepreneurship Program: 2020 

During the summer of 2020, REACH adapted to a virtual program. We expanded the program to include new partnerships and classes. This summer, the program was run for students from:

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Asbury Park and Lawrence, New Jersey 

The Peter Westbrook Foundation, NYC 

Trinity Hall, Tinton Falls, New Jersey

The Collier School, Marlboro,  New Jersey

Summer Entrepreneurship Program: 2019 

 July 29th- August 2nd, 2019

Program Highlights Video:

Ranney School
Summer Tutoring Program
Reading and Writing Enrichment 

August 5th-9th, 2019

Throughout the week, middle school students from the Asbury Park Boys & Girls Club were taught reading and writing by Dr. Bradley Holden. Students had the opportunity to enrich their reading and writing skills, with reading comprehension assignments and writing prompts. 

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